Salmon Filet Recipe, Good for Many Uses

Todd Barron

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5 Stars
On October 12, 2011
Last modified:February 20, 2012


Several of the dinners I cook on a regular basis contain salmon. I buy a "side" of salmon from Sam's Club, marinate it for six hours, slice it into 2" wide pieces, vacuum seal two pieces at a time with a Food Saver vacuum sealer, and freeze it for later.

By Todd Barron @

Salmon on Chef Salad

Several of the dinners I cook on a regular basis contain salmon.  I buy a “side” of salmon from Sam’s Club, marinate it for six hours, slice it into 2″ wide pieces, vacuum seal two pieces at a time with a Food Saver vacuum sealer, and freeze it for later.  This allows me to thaw two pieces, which is enough for 2-4 people, and cook it whenever I need it.  The photo on the right shows the salmon I made for a healthy chef salad.

Here’s how:

Ingredients (Marinade)

  • One large piece of salmon from Sam’s Club (about 4 pounds)
  • Four cups soy sauce (I buy a gallon at a time from Sam’s Club)
  • A large roasting pan (large enough to hold the salmon)
  • 2″ piece fresh ginger
  • 4 Jalapeno peppers
  • 6 cloves garlic (peeled)
  • 1 Cup Rice Wine Vinegar


Finely dice the ginger, garlic, and peppers (seeds included).

Combine all ingredients and place in roasting pan.

Place salmon, bottom side up, in roasting pan.

Fill pan with water until the salmon is floating just under the surface.

Spoon the peppers/garlic/ginger over the top of the salmon.

Cover and refrigerate for 6 hours.

Rinse off.  Slice into 2″ pieces (about 1/2 pound each).  Pat dry.  Vacuum seal two pieces at a time.  Freeze.


Remove from the freezer and thaw in the bag in a bowl of warm water.  It will take about 30 minutes.  When it is soft in the center, it is ready to be cooked.

Remove from the bag, pat dry, and place on a cookie sheet.

Set your oven to 450 degrees F, Broil.

Place the salmon in the oven and cook for 12 minutes.

At the 12 minute mark, drizzle honey over the top of the salmon and place back into the oven.

Cook for another 5 minutes or until the honey forms a glaze and the fish has a golden red color to it.

Serve with the following ideas:

  1. Salmon over butter lettuce with chef salad ingredients
  2. Salmon with jasmine rice, sided with bean sprouts
  3. Salmon chopped and mixed into an omelet with light cream cheese and chives
  4. Salmon chopped and served in soft flour tortillas as fish tacos (with slaw, avocado, peppers, salsa, etc.)

2 Responses to “Salmon Filet Recipe, Good for Many Uses”

  1. Amie T. says:

    Todd, we love that you stock up on salmon at Sam’s Club! This recipe is simple and sounds tasty. You might like to try one of our Simply Delicious Recipes for salmon like Rosemary Garlic Salmon: Let us know if you try it!
    – Amie from Sam’s Club

  2. Todd Barron says:

    Hi Amie,

    I will be sure and try it out! 🙂

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