Herbed Butter How-To

Todd Barron

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5 Stars
On November 21, 2011
Last modified:February 20, 2012


Have you ever wondered why the steaks at steak houses taste so great? Do you want an easy way to improve the flavor of the meals you cook without a lot of extra work? If you answered yes to either of these questions, herbed butter may be in your future.

Filet with Herbed Butter

By Todd Barron @ FoodieCuisine.com

Have you ever wondered why the steaks at steak houses taste so great?  Do you want an easy way to improve the flavor of the meals you cook without a lot of extra work?  If you answered yes to either of these questions, herbed butter may be in your future.

Herbed butter is nothing more than butter which has been infused with the flavor of one or more spices.  Fresh herbs are typically used with butter and the resulting flavor is a wonderful addition to just about any food.

Steak houses place a slice of herbed butter on top of steaks when they are done.  By the time it reaches the table, the butter has melted and the herbs add an extra layer of flavor.  They use many other methods of course, but herbed butter can be one of them.  You can do the same thing by placing a slice on chicken fresh out of the oven, or fish fresh from the grill.

You can also used herbed butter on vegetables as it enhances most things (except dessert.)  Moderation is the key as butter has calories, but a little can go a long ways.

So, how do you make it?  It’s quite simple really.  Buy some fresh herbs, a good butter, plastic wrap, and get to work.


  • 1 stick butter (not margarine)
  • 2 cloves garlic (peeled)
  • 4 sprigs fresh rosemary
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 12″ x 12″ section plastic wrap


  1. Let the butter sit out, overnight, to reach room temperature
  2. Mince the fresh herbs
  3. Mince the garlic
  4. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl
  5. Stir until completely integrated
  6. Spread the plastic
  7. Mound butter in middle
  8. Form as a log in the middle
  9. Roll the plastic
  10. Wrap over both ends to seal
  11. Put in the refrigerator for 4 hours or more


  1.  Use a sharp knife and cut a quarter-inch slice off of the edge
  2. Discard the plastic
  3. Place on steak, chicken, vegetables, etc.

I suggest trying different herbs such as Tarragon, Basil, or Thyme.  You also can add different spices such as paprika, cayenne, or even cardamom.

Butter before Rolling

Rolled Butter

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