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Seasons 52 in Orlando, Florida

By Todd Barron @

Mozzarella Appetizer

Seasons 52 in Orlando, Florida, is a nationwide chain restaurant that focuses on high-quality food, split into portions which are under 475 calories each.  This means that if you are prudent about your choices, you can keep the calories low.  Just keep in mind that each item is under 475 calories; therefore, a salad plus an entree can reach 950 calories when considered for an entire meal.

I have  dined at Seasons 52 several times and the dishes are almost always of high-quality, except for a few issues, and surpass the expectations I have based on most national chains.  They have seasonal specials, use fresh ingredients, and cook most things well.

The other night I had the mozzarella special, which consists of fresh tomatoes, topped with mozzarella which had been baked with a light crust of panko crumbs, and drizzled over with balsamic vinegar.  It is light, yet very filling, and I really appreciate the bite from the balsamic coupled with the micro-greens.

For my entree I order the Cedar Planked Salmon and it comes with asparagus, carrots, and roasted potatoes.  The salmon has a nice cedar flavor to it but could use more sear.  The potatoes taste like they were roasted a week ago (tough & chewy) and the dish overall is a bit underwhelming.  Normally I really enjoy the entrees of Seasons 52, but this time, I am somewhat let down.

Seasons 52 Fresh Grill on Urbanspoon

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Banana, Pineapple, and Coconut Homemade Ice-Cream

By Todd Barron @

Banana, Pineapple, and Coconut Ice-Cream

For my second test of the Cuisinart Ice-Cream maker, I decide to adventure out a bit and make a banana, pineapple, and coconut ice-cream, without a recipe.  In order to keep the ratios within reason I start with the Vanilla Ice-Cream recipe which comes with the maker but modify it.

For the modification I add 3 bananas, one half a can of crushed pineapple, and coconut extract.  If you do not dry fruit in the oven before making ice-cream, you will end up with frozen ice “cubes” in your ice-cream.  As you can imagine, this is not something you want.  I chop the bananas and pineapple, spread onto a cookie sheet, and cook at 350 F using the Convection mode of my oven, for 40 minutes.  I let the roasted fruit dry for 4 hours after baking.

To make the ice-cream you freeze the internal canister for 24+ hours, mix the ingredients in an external mixer, pour into the canister, assemble the machine, and push the start button.   After 25 minutes, I transfer the now-finished ice-cream to a new container and freeze for 2 hours.

The recipe is as follows:

Banana & Pineapple Ice-Cream

  • 1 1/4 cup sugar
  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 2 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 teaspoon coconut extract
  • 3 ripe bananas, chopped and roasted in oven for 30 minutes at 350 F
  • 1 cup crushed pineapple, roasted in oven for 30 minutes at 350 F
  • 1/4 teaspoon fresh grated nutmeg


  • Roast the fruit for 30 minutes and let dry for 2 hours
  • Mix the fruit and sugar in a mixer for 2 minutes
  • Mix in the whole milk for 5 minutes
  • Mix in the heavy whipping cream for 10 minutes
  • Mix in the extracts for 2 minutes
  • Place into the ice-cream machine (be sure the canister has been cooled for 24 hours)
  • Turn on for 25 minutes
  • Remove from canister and store in freezer, covered for 2 hours

The ice-cream this time around was a little thinner than the previous batch but it is due to having more milk and cream than before.  A few hours in the freezer will “fix” it though.  I really enjoy the flavor of it and the hint of nutmeg really sets it apart from what I find in most banana ice-creams.  I cannot wait to try the next flavor. 🙂

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Alaskan Roll at Sky Restaurant in Little Rock, Arkansas

By Todd Barron @

Alaskan Roll

I met my father for lunch the other day at Sky Japanese Restaurant in Little Rock, Arkansas and had the Alaskan Roll. The salmon was fresh, the rice cooked perfectly, and I really enjoyed the crab salad mixed in the middle. A very good lunch.

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Pork Tenderloin at Flying Fish in Disney World (Boardwalk)

By Todd Barron @

Pork Tenderloin seasonal item at Flying Fish in Disney World (on the Boardwalk.) Normally I try a fish dish there but the bartender suggested the pork. Wow, I was very happy with it! The pork is crusted in a 5-spice style mix, seared over the grill, and cooked in the oven to perfection. It is then topped with caramelized pearl onions and sits on a bed of roasted asparagus. The truffle macaroni and cheese in the bowl served with it is really tasty as well. A must try if you get a chance to go by there while it is on the menu!

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Homemade Peanut-Butter Cup Ice Cream

By Todd Barron @

Cuisinart Ice-Cream Maker

My latest kitchen toy is a Cuisinart Ice-Cream maker.  It consists of a internal canister, which you place in your freezer for 24-hours prior to making the ice-cream, and an outer shell which houses the motor to spin the mixing paddle.

To make the ice-cream you freeze the internal canister for 24+ hours, mix the ingredients in an external mixer, pour into the canister, assemble the machine, and push the start button.

In 25 minutes you can add extra items to the ice-cream, such as chopped up candy or chocolate chips, and 5 minutes later you are done.  At this point you transfer the now-finished ice-cream to a new container and freeze for 2 hours.

You do not have to freeze it for 2 hours before eating it, but it will be less solid if you do not wait.  For my test I make a peanut-butter ice-cream with pieces of peanut-butter cup candy in it.  The recipe is as follows:

Peanut Butter Cup Ice-Cream

  • 1 cup Peanut Butter
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 2 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon coconut extract
  • 10 small peanut butter cup candies, chopped


  • Mix the peanut butter and sugar in a stand-mixer for 10 minutes
  • Mix in the whole milk for 5 minutes
  • Mix in the heavy whipping cream for 10 minutes
  • Mix in the extracts for 2 minutes
  • Place into the ice-cream machine (be sure the canister has been cooled for 24 hours)
  • Turn on for 25 minutes
  • Add the chopped candies
  • Run the machine for another 3 minutes, or until the candy is fully incorporated
  • Remove from canister and store in freezer, covered for 2 hours

The ice-cream turned out wonderful and I cannot wait to make more flavors.  It is soooo much better than anything I have bought from a grocery store!

Peanut Butter Cup Ice-Cream

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Sky Japanese Restaurant in Little Rock, Arkansas

By Todd Barron @

Tuna Tataki

Sky Modern Japanese Restaurant opened in Little Rock, next to the Fresh Market, not too long ago and my wife and I stopped by for dinner the other night.

Its Friday night, at 7pm, and the place is packed.  We are seated at the sushi bar, on the corner, but there is enough room for the two of us.  The menu looks interesting, with a large offering of cooked dishes.  It reminds me a lot of Sushi Cafe but with more emphasis put on the entrees offered (mainly due to the layout of the menu.)

We wait, and wait, and wait, and just when we are about to leave, a waiter stops to take our drink order.  After our drink orders arrive we are asked to place our dinner order and I opt for the Salmon with Orange Aioli ($15) and my wife orders the Roasted Duck Breast ($16).  We also order an appetizer of Tuna Tataki ($12).

After another long wait, our entrees show up, minus the Tuna Tataki appetizer.  The waiter tells us it is still being prepared.  Normally I would request to cancel the appetizer, since our entrees are already present, but am really anxious to see how it holds up compared to the wonderful one offered by Amura in Florida.

The salmon is cooked nicely with a crust all around and a soft inside (the sign of a well cooked filet of fish.)  It has just the right crunch to it and is not “fishy” tasting at all.  The only thing I do not care for is the Orange Aioli.  It looks like an explosion of sauce on my plate.  They would do better to offer the sauce on the side or drizzled across the fish.  The vegetables served with it are okay with a little flavor, but the carrots are undercooked.  The rice cake is very gummy and not something I would recommend to anyone, ever.  I do like the actual salmon though and may order it next time without the sauce.

Roasted Duck

The duck is tender, with lots of flavor, and has the earthy taste you expect from duck.  It is well seasoned, and aside from too much pepper on the sweet potato puree, it matches well with the dish.  On the visual front the dish is very brown, but do not let that distract you from the flavor.

The tuna tataki finally shows up and the tuna is very fresh, well seared, and has a pleasant citrus flavor to it.  It is perfect for a warm summer night (such as this one) but does not compare to Amura’s.  Everyone who wants to offer tataki on their menu should try Amura’s at least once.  It is a great dish for the heat and I will order it again.

Aside from the long waits, I really enjoy Sky and am happy to see a Japanese restaurant offer something other than hibachi (it is supposed to be called Teppanyaki) and sushi.

11525 Cantrell Road
Lunch & Dinner
+(501) 224 4300

Sky Modern Japanese Restaurant on Urbanspoon

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Duck Noodle Soup at Thai Thani in Celebration, FL

By Todd Barron @

Thai Thani Duck Noodle Soup

Thai Thani is one of my preferred Thai restaurants in Florida and I normally go for the Red Curry (with chicken.)  I went for a lighter option and chose the Duck Noodle Soup the other day for lunch.

It has roasted slices of duck in it, along with onions, mushrooms, and a rich brown broth, all atop rice noodles.  The soup came out right away and was not spicy enough for me (even though I ordered it Firehouse hot) so I added my own spices from their pepper plate (this is a must-order item if you eat there and like spicy food.)

The broth was rich, the duck tender, and the mushrooms were very flavorful.  Overall I really enjoyed the soup and will order it again in the future.  The only item I would change would be to trim the fat from the duck slices first.  I realize many people may like the flavor, but I prefer to avoid the calories if possible. 🙂

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Tomato Basil Soup at Vesuvio Bistro in Little Rock, AR

By Todd Barron @

The Tilapia Piccata at Vesuvio Bistro was fishy tasting but they removed it from our bill.  Even with this, the tomato soup which came before it was quite good.  It has freshly blended tomatoes in it, with a hint of citrus, and a nice drizzle of balsamic on top to give it the right amount of kick.  Overall I enjoyed the soup and will have it again.

Vesuvio Tomato Basil Soup